35 Random Acts of Kindness

35 Random Acts of Kindness

8:35:00 PM

So...my birthday is approaching! February is my FAVORITE month. Not because of my birthday but. It just sounds pretty "February". I love the way it rolls off the tongue! Valentine's day...need I say more?!

This year I wanted to do 35 Random Acts of Kindness...spread the cheer a bit. BUT I would really like to have YOU involved too! Would you join me?!!

Click HERE for the printable version.

I am doing 1 a day and then on my birthday (February 25th!) I will be doing the last 11. I am not going in any order...just what I feel like doing that day. Doing something nice for a kiddo...is for each of my kiddos! When you do one, link it up to the hashtag #Aleishas35RAOK

Today I tipped the waiter the same amount as my bill. The look on his face was priceless! I will be adding the tags below so they can check in too! Hoping they will post when received/found!

Wanna use them too? Click HERE to print and attach!

I am over here batting my eyelashes and saying "pretty please...won't you join me?" Let's spread some love this February!!

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